Sunday, March 18, 2018

New Cobbing Season

And so the 2018 cobbing season has started. For the moment we are a small 3-man crew. Darryl, the owner of the Art of Cob, and Linda plus myself have begun the final stages of work on the round house This could become our home for a while, so naturally we are excited to be joining in on the fun.

Darryl has a contact with some folks that may send campers and other interested folks our way to help with the work and learn some real alternative construction techniques. The round house went through the very rainy winter season dry inside and out. The large overhang I put in place when building the roof provided for a dry foundation and interior. Once these structures are dry, and the roof maintained they will last generations. Many examples still exist in Britain and Wales, among other places.

If ya’ll happen to be coming to southwestern Oregon drop us an email or send a message to the Facebook page and will let you join in too.

See ya.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Is the earth the way it is because we are the way we are? Is nature red of tooth because we are ourselves that way?

Could it be that the admonition of all true prophets to love one another be the answer to the tangled web of problems facing us? Can it be just that simple? Why not?

If you want to boil the message of Jesus down to its central truth it can be stated thus: God is Love. Love is God (1st John).

You know it might just be possible that the predator will lay peacefully with the prey if we do likewise first. Stop killing and the killing will stop. Stop being self involved and life will give forth its bounty freely. Stop worshiping idols and evil will have no entrance into the present. Stop seeking to force others to your beliefs and just love and love will be the way we all find the Truth. Resist not evil and evil will cease being fed and will die of starvation and neglect. A collective consciousness of love and compassion will negate the collective consciousness of evil.

And the outcome? The True Life. A world that does not make you feel oppressed and in a prison but just the opposite. An earth that is open, free, healing, and filled with every good thing needed to have life overflowing.

Sound impossible? Well, if you leave that negativity out of your thoughts and turn, each one of us toward the sunlight of the True Way, no matter the consequences to each of us personally, then a change can begin.In the Heart.In the Life walked out. In the thoughts within. In the environment without.

Seek first the Kingdom of Love, and All these Things shall be added to you.

Try it. You have every thing to loose, and everything you have always truly, deep within,ever wanted and desired. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

First post to this blog. The purpose of this website is to keep a record of my thoughts and musings as I go forward with my day to day life. If anyone happens to stumble upon these writings bear in mind that I am neither a scholar or philosopher. Just an ordinary human being that is striving for the light of love and inner peace.

At the age of 59 I have much to overcome within. It is the struggle to fulfill the desire to find the true life that we are all here to have that will be recorded in these paragraphs. Forgive my lack of spiritual language and my disdain for technical terms or other "correct" ways of speaking about the path. I find that I am better sticking to simple and understandable words. If the revelations and insights gained can not be expressed in the simple and plain everyday language that I was raised with then it may not be a real understanding and will be therefore considered suspect.

Having said that I will also mention that I am no stranger to spiritual experiences, some of which were very profound and life altering. Whether or not I discuss those past experiences will depend entirely on the subject at hand. They were and still are very personal. Some are not fully understandable to my ordinary mind. Reason and logic are not the right tools to use in these matters. Revelation and insight are the true wisdom. They come when one is ready.

Buddhism holds a real attraction for me. But so does certain aspects of the Bible and other spiritual wisdom traditions, both old and new. Not all is known, or even understood. Some things are totally for the individual seeker and thus must be discovered by each traveler on the path when the time is ripe.

I live simply and minimally. At this point in my life my way of eating, drinking, thinking, dressing, in fact every thing about me is under scrutiny and in the flux of change. Moving into raw veganism. Doing without many things that use to be considered essential. Rethinking my way of thinking, etc. A lot is going on. It is an exciting time. It is a scary time. Letting go of the known, even when it is warped, offensive, outmoded, addictive, is darn hard. It is worth it.

Enough for now. Anew day dawns. I want to experience it.

New Cobbing Season

And so the 2018 cobbing season has started. For the moment we are a small 3-man crew. Darryl, the owner of the Art of Cob , and Linda plus m...